The New Year is here. It’s time for a fresh start. But without a proper night’s sleep, your body is operating somewhere in the past. I hope to bring you to presence by offering some elixirs to help summon sleep.
Fatigue and I have endured a longstanding relationship since being diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) decades ago. With age, however, I have learned how to listen to my body and schedule my time and activities according to its unique rhythms and energy levels. In a cruel twist of fate, however, a solid night’s sleep has always eluded me. But in the year 2018 I finally figured out the soothing schedule that would insure a full night’s rest.
While we are all different, my hope is that you can pick and choose from what has worked for me, or at the very least allow it to inspire you to uncover your own soothing sleep schedule. Make 2019 the year you hibernate peacefully in winter’s womb.
1. Enjoy an Evening Walk
Typically, I walk for 45 minutes between 4-6 p.m, my sweet spot in terms of honoring my energy levels. Exercising beyond that time stimulates me, which can lead to a poor night’s rest.
If you haven’t seen my previous post, Time for Nature, click and read. It speaks to how I calm my nervous system and ease myself into a meditative space during my evening walk. This is the time of my day when I release worries or send love and light to those in need. I finish always with silence, quieting all thoughts and concerns.

2. Eat Dinner Early
In our household, we eat between 6-6:30. In this regard, we give ourselves the proper time to digest our food. Going to bed on a full night’s stomach is a surefire recipe for insomnia.
Most of the time, I envision food as fuel to keep me going or as a remedy to ease me to sleep. It is a mindful endeavor so as to operate in an optimal way with my condition. In the evening, I eat protein with a dose of complex carbohydrates. With CFS, eating pure protein and nothing more keeps me awake.
Think of ways food can serve your unique body for the best night’s rest.

3. Take a Warm Shower or Bath
When my daughter was a newborn, I waited until the evenings as opposed to the mornings to shower so my husband could watch her. I extended this routine beyond that time frame, as I learned that it soothed me.
And so, I shower or take a bath in the evenings around 7:00. Usually, I dim the lights and further still my mind. If I truly want to pamper myself, I take the time to place a diffuser in the bathroom with essential oils such as lavender.

4. Wash Up Early
Many people may wash their face and brush their teeth right before they hop in bed. However, I find turning on a light preceding sleep wakes me up in a jolt. Therefore, these tasks occur directly after my warm shower, hours before bedtime. At this time, my daughter sits on a stool in the bathroom and reads to me or we chat.
Consider trying it out and see if you’re able to doze off easier.

5. Soothing Family Time
After washing up, I spend time with my daughter in her room, reading, playing games, talking, laughing, loving.
Then, I dim the lights, and we spend soothing soul time together, as I massage her with lavender lotion and essential oils. Massaging her both tires and relaxes me. She’s now ready for a good night’s sleep!
Think of ways you can incorporate calming activities into family time.

6. Massage
After I’ve tucked my daughter in for the night, this self-directed massage is my go-to for deeper relaxation. My husband learned this trick while in physical therapy. For 5-10 minutes, I use the Keiba Massage Lacrosse Balls to work on my back. To try it out, place the ball against a wall, and then run it along your problem regions to release your stress.
I feel completely refreshed after rolling out the day’s tension.
7. Rest and Relaxation
At 8:30 I put my computer and phone into hibernation, and dim the lights. Finally, time to relax!
I then rest upon a heating pad on the couch. Ever since suffering a concussion, I have also enjoyed the magical respite of a foot massage from my husband. If you have someone to do this for you, hooray! If not, you can still rub this feel-good concoction into your feet. It will help ease you into a deep state of well-being, prepping you for sleep.
Place 15-20 pumps of Everyone Lotion, Lavender & Aloe into a mason jar. Then, mix 3-4 drops of Now Lavender Oil and 3-4 drops of Aura Cacia Chill Pill Essential Oil. Close the lid and shake the jar. Enjoy!

8. Lighthearted Time & Glasses
My husband and I talk about positive experiences from our day, and then watch TV shows that aren’t too emotional or heavy. We oftentimes opt for comedies. Viewing something thought-provoking or difficult sets me up for a terrible night’s sleep.
In addition, I wear these glasses by Northland Outpost that block out the stimulating blue light from the television and increase melatonin. This has truly helped prep me for a better night’s rest.
9. Go to Bed
When drowsiness arrives, I promptly get up, use the bathroom, and go to bed. The lights remain off so as not to wake me up.
Also, I never fall asleep on the couch. To do so would insure once I made my way to bed, I would be wide awake.

10. Sweet Dreams
Sticking to this routine helps me drift off to a satisfying sleep alongside my husband. Soon, dream land greets me with sweet stories, and I enjoy a much-needed rest.
I am wishing you the same!

I hope my sleep routine has inspired the want to create your best schedule for a wonderful night’s rest. Sleep is a vital factor not only for your physical and emotional health; but, also, to facilitate presence. I surely don’t want to miss life’s moments that matter.
Sleep beautifully, soul soothers!
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Your moments here matter to me. Warm wishes and gratitude…always.
It was so relaxing reading about your schedule preparing for a good night’s sleep that I almost fell asleep myself sitting here on the couch this morning.
So glad reading this soothed you. Go ahead, and take a cat nap. ❤️